Highway No. 38 Project, Leveled Separation 223,224


Netivei Israel Ltd.

Project management company

David Ackerstein Ltd.


NIS 141,000,000

One of the most talked-about projects that has become a national project. Olenik implemented the design build method, in which Olenik expanded Highway 38 into a two-lane highway including a leveled separation at the Shaar Haguy to Beit Shemesh segment.

Due to natural growth and rapid development of the city of Beit Shemesh, traffic volume on the road significantly increased, and expansion of the highway provides an adequate response.

As part of the project, Olenik performed earthworks, bridge works, development, underground infrastructures, paving, support walls, sewage, landscaping and irrigation.

For the project, Olenik employed special planning and performance teams, completing the project earlier than expected and earned extremely positive reviews.